With the internet, the process of consumers making the decision for a purchase has changed a lot. Nowadays nobody buys a product or contracts a service without first doing searches and comparisons on the net.Querying websites through search engines has become a daily habit. So it is very important to know how to use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques to better rank your publications on Google and other search engines, gaining the top positions.
Appearing on the first three pages of the search engines is decisive for the success or failure of your company, which determines its performance. The use of the techniques and the understanding of ranking is valid for any owner or employee of a company, for evidencing factors that help attract potential customers.
By adopting the practices it is possible to leverage the number of views for content, giving greater relevance within the search sites and consequently for the public. The biggest advantage of working with SEO is that the techniques are applied organically, i.e., without any financial investment.
In order to be able to affirm the position of your company in the search engines, it is necessary to research and understand the relevance of the keywords. Working on these triggers raises the search number and is a very indicated output. Google allows you to use free tools to find the best terms.
Optimize the Title of your Website Content The first and obvious hint is that the main keyword should be inserted in the title of your text. Google ranks better for shorter titles, it should be attractive and should be between 50 and 67 characters long. Thinking about the choice of words in your title is essential for defining the positioning of your content in search engines.
Proper Use of Meta-Description The meta-description is a brief description of the content of the page, should have a maximum of 153 characters and explain briefly about its content, it is important to place your keyword in the middle of the short text.
Internal Links and External Links
Such links are very important, directing you to another page within your site. Internal links help you gain more authority over your company’s content, and it’s still easy to deploy, after all, it’s all about your control.
External links should be placed according to your relationship with the content, only with partnerships and authority on a subject, you will be able to make your site generate and earn external links from other partner brands.
Usability , Accessibility and Content Size
A website with good accessibility and usability is easy to find in the search engines. For this, you need to develop a good layout for your website and work on SEO practically together during the creation of your website.
Google does not rank very well the shorter texts, the content must have at least 300 words to be better considered in the search engines. The texts with 500, 1000 or more words tend to rank better because they present more facts about the subjects covered.
“All the above key factors Needed to be improved for better Google rankings or for other search engines ranking”
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